DET Unit (PRIDE) Activities 2018
A workshop on “Values in Healthcare: a spiritual approach (VIHASA)” was organized on 23rd – 24th February 2018. Dr Ashok Mehta , Dr Sachin Parab were the guest speakers. The event was attended by participants from medical, dental, physiotherapy college and also private practitioners. It was very well received by them.
A workshop on Leadership skills for HSET co-ordinators was organized by Dept of IMETTT MUHS, Nasik on 23 March 2018 hosted by HSET unit. All institutes in the Vidarbha region affiliated to MUHS participated in this workshop.Faculties were Dr Payal Bansal (Head, Dep’t of IMETTT), Dr Sanjay Narlawar (Director regional IMETTT, Nagpur), Dr Anshu (Professor, Sevagram).
RAT workshop 2018
Fourth RAT workshop was conducted on 25-26 Sep 2018 at VSPM Dental College by HSET Unit. Second and third year post-graduate students participated in this workshop. All necessary knowledge and skills regarding teaching was given to the participants in an interactive way to enhance their competency as a teacher
Advanced Research Methodology WorkshopDET Unit (PRIDE)
Advanced research methodology workshop was organized by Dept of IMETTT MUHS, Nasik on 23 March 2018 hosted by HSET unit on 10-16 Dec 2018. 24 participants including PhD faculty and PhD students and faculties from Ayurved, Nursing and other dental colleges attended this workshop. Faculty from AIMS, GMC and IGMC, Nagpur covered all aspects of research methodology in detail with interactive sessions.
Session on Research Funding Opportunities in Biomedical Field

The session was held on 10th August 2018. Dr Anita Agrawal (Scientist B from Dept of Science & Technology, Govt of India) elaborated on various research priorities , aspects of bio-medical device research and its implications for healthcare professionals. The participants were staff and post-graduate students of VSPMDCRC, Nagpur.