RD Dental College

Faclitating SDL in your classrooms

19th August 2020.

HSET unit of  VSPM Dental College & Research Centre Nagpur organized a webinar on “Facilitating SDL(Self directed Learning) in your classrooms” on 19th August 2020. Dr. T S Gugapriya , Additional Professor and HSET coordinator at AIIMS, Nagpur was the guest faculty. She highlighted that Teachers should be motivating students in creating curiosity and help them to become life long learners. She explained Paper clip questioning technique and action feedback trigger cycle to make SDL to happen. She elaborated some apps that will help teachers to implement SDL. This interactive webinar addressed todays pandemic situation in making online learning effective and interesting. Dr. Mukta Motwani Coordinator HSET delivered opening remarks. Dr. Chetana Makade Member HSET moderated and Dr. Apeksha Dhole member HSET conducted the session. Dr. Usha Radke Dean and Chairperson HSET, VSPM Dental College and Research Centre encouraged and supported in organizing the programme. The programme was scheduled on zoom meet and telecasted live on VSPMDCRC facebook page. It received overwhelming response from faculty participants from Loni, Sangli, Bathinda, Pune, Mumbai and Nagpur.


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