RD Dental College

Human Values


Human Values

Traditionally, healthcare professionals’ training has been predominantly about acquiring knowledge and learning practical skills, with less time spent on communication and interpersonal skills and even less time, if any, on self-care. Values in Healthcare uses a fresh creative approach, with an emphasis on self-care and support.

‘VIHASA’ is a UK based program developed by Janki Foundation. All healthcare professionals have to heal themselves first, then inculcate knowledge, training & lastly, put them into practice.

Values in Healthcare: a spiritual approach is a modular training and development program package developed and produced by a team of a health professional for those involved in healthcare delivery.

Values in Healthcare consist of an introductory module and seven modules that explore individual values in-depth and how they relate to our personal lives and professional practice. The introductory module and the seven modules each take one day to complete and utilize a unique blend of experiential group exercises, with time set aside for personal reflection and discussion.

Self-inquiry is encouraged so that healthcare practitioners and teams can identify their own values and discover how their insights can enhance their personal lives and revitalize their work. Movement-based exercises offer natural breaks and opportunities to experience values in a personal way.


1.   Physician heal thyself

The professional caregiver is placed at the center of healthcare delivery, with the emphasis on self-care and personal development.

2.   Learning through experience

Values are best understood through facilitated, experiential learning with time for reflection and sharing in a supportive environment rather than didactic instruction.

The VIHASA Program Details – Total 8 Modules: 
  1. Values
  2. Peace
  3. Positivity
  4. Compassion
  5. Co-operation
  6. Valuing the self
  7. Spirituality in healthcare
  8. Resilience

To date every year VIHASA programs have been organized by the Interns Monitoring Committee of VSPM Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur for Students and Staff. The esteemed facilitators have visited a college and train the interns and staff. Regular modules are organized to inculcate healthcare values which will help them to work smoothly in clinical postings.

One of the keys to raising morale in healthcare today is to re-emphasize the importance of values in guiding practice at all levels. There are some excellent values statements produced by health care organizations, but for values to be meaningful, they must be owned at a personal level and then integrated into our work. VIHASA programs help all the healthcare professional to apply values for self and patients for a better outcome in day to day life.

3.   Relevance to work

The learning experience should be relevant to participants’ work and lives, with an emphasis on reflection, action planning, evaluation and a commitment to ongoing learning.

Interactive session with students in VIHASA program
Online interactive session with students in VIHASA program
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