RD Dental College

‘TCC Value Added Course’

17th Feb (level-1) and 18th Feb (level-2), 2022

TCC unit, Dept of OMR, VSPMDCRC conducted a ‘Value added course’ “DE-ADDICTION TRAINING MODULE” for interns of the institute on 17th Feb (level-1) and 18th Feb (level-2), 2022. The event was formally inaugurated on the Day 1. The audience was addressed by Dr. Usha Radke, Dean, VSPMDCRC. Dr. Shenoi, Vice Dean, VSPMDCRC and Dr. Mukta Motwani, HOD, OMR encouraged the interns for the importance of Tobacco De addiction Workshop. The faculty for the event Dr. Dinesh Jagiasi and Dr. Rantandeep Chawla Lifefirst – Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation, Mumbai, were felicitated by Dr Usha Radke, Dean, VSPMDCRC. Dr. Apeksha Balpande delivered the vote of thanks. Dr Tapasya Karemore was the coordinator for these two days workshop. Dr Shiwani Dalal, 1st year PG, hosted the event.

Day 1 sessions emphasized on facts discussed about tobacco use, products, prevalence and effects in level-1 module, by Dr Dinesh Jagiasi. Next session was conducted by Dr Ratandeep Chawla where she discussed about introduction to practical insights of tobacco cessation counselling through 5As and 5Rs. The sessions were made interactive by role plays and case discussions.

Day 2 sessions – Dr. Ratandeep Chawla took a recap session for Day 1 and interacted with interns about counseling the patients. The first session of the day was based on pharmacotherapy. Various drugs to replace tobacco habits were introduced by Dr Jagiasi and precautions while prescribing them were also taught.

The second session of the day was based on counselling techniques. Dr Chawla discussed specific techniques to be used for tobacco cessation through motivational counselling. Various situations and case scenarios were presented by the speaker to provoke participants and analyse the method to be used for motivating the patients. The session was well appreciated by all and was interactive. Post test was conducted at the end of the sessions and queries were addressed.


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