RD Dental College

Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur Staff and Students received many awards at IDA Annual awards function, Nagpur on 3rd December 2023 in various categories-

Students Category-

  1. Sejal Mujaria, for highest marks in conservative dentistry and prosthodontics, highest marks from 1st to final BDS
  2. Dhananjay Nagulkar, 2nd highest in conservative and highest in Orthodontics
  3. Pooja Shinde, Highest in Oral Pathology and highest in 3rd BDS
  4. Shrawani Khawade, highest in 2nd BDS
  5. Kanchan Bahad, highest marks in DADH
  6. Rishita Akre, best all round student member
  7. Tanvi Rahangdale, best Scientific paper
  8. Deepal Gaidhane, best all round student member
  9. Padmini Badjatya, Best Essay

 Staff Category-

  1. Dr Anita Kahar, Best Scientific paper 

Sports Category-

  1. Dr Anuj Chandak, Best Batsman in Cricket under his captainship team won the cricket tournament
  2. Dr Abhay Kolte, Best fielder in Cricket.

3rd December 2023

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