RD Dental College

Endodontics Conservative Week

Department Of Conservative Dentistry And Endodontics, V.S.P.M Dental College And Research Centre, Nagpur, in association with Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics conducted various activates to mark the “National Restorative and Root Canal Awareness week” in Feb-Mar 2020.

On 26th February 2020 dental awareness programme and check up camp were organized at Jaimata High School, Dighori, Nagpur. Dr. Pratima shenoi and Dr Chetana Makade demonstrated students the measures for caries control. In all 86 students were screened for their treatment need. Dr. Vandana Kokane, Dr. Pratik Burad guided the students for necessary treatment required for restoring and retaining their natural dentition. Post Graduate students Dr. Sangham Madakwade and Dr. Prajakta Ambulkar also helped in conducting Drawing competition and dental checkup camp at Jaimata High School, Dighori, Nagpur.

On 27th February a drawing competition on “Save Tooth” was conducted for 2nd BDS students. Total 40 students participated in the competition.

On 3rd March 2019 Model making competition was organised for interns under the various topics of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. Total 18 interns participated in the competition. On the same day “Walkathon”, “Tree Plantation Programme” & “Lecture on Stress management in dental students by Dr. Gawande, Asso. Prof. Dept of Psychiatry, NKPSIMS, Nagpur” was organized in VSPMDCRC campus. 13 staff members, 50 students and interns participated in this event. This event was followed by Prize distribution for Drawing competition and Model competition.

On 4th March a Ride in Nagpur Metro Rail was taken for Dental awareness. All staff members and PG students of Department of conservative dentistry and endodontics participated in this campaign. On 5th March Cons-Endo day was celebrated in the department, in the presence of Management members, Head of the department and all teaching and non teaching staff along with PG students of the department.

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