Best Practices
Annual Awards
- To appreciate and honor the staff members for continuous professional development
- To motivate the staff members to achieve higher benchmarks
- To create a healthy competitive working environment in the departments
The faculty members of our institution work relentlessly to improve the quality of dental education as well as treatment. However, working in the same environment for years together can lead to complacency and stagnation;
For the overall growth and development, it is mandatory that everyone strives for excellence. VSPM’S Dental College and research center strongly believe that the institute can progress only with the wholesome progress and development of its individual staff members. Hence to inculcate the habit of continuous self-improvement and professional excellence, the institute has in place we have started a policy of awarding the best individual performer and best department at the hands of the Honorable chairman of the institute Shri Ranjitbabu Deshmukh.
The Institute has a three-member committee for annual awards. Every year four awards are given by the institute for outstanding performance in various categories namely: Best Emerging Talent, Best Individual Performer, Best Non-Teaching Staff Member, and Best Performing Department. The criterion for each category is structured and marks are awarded for excellence in various fields depicting all-round development. This not only maintains objectivity and fairness in the selection process, but it also ensures that various attributes for professional and personal growth are properly accounted for Nominations are invited for various categories of awards in the prescribed format.
Nominations include a detailed CV of the nominees along with a list of achievements for the said year. After the last date, the nominations are scrutinized by the awards committee and the winners are decided based on the objectively structured marking scheme. The awards in each category are given on Republic day each year.
Over the years this practice has encouraged more and more staff members to perform better and strive for excellence. The committee has seen a steady rise in the number of applications received every year. The competition has increased manifold and it is difficult to choose a single winner in each category. Certain aspects of dental professional development which were overlooked earlier have now become an important aspect of continuous professional growth amongst our staff members.
Due to a high degree of competition, the enduring satisfaction of all the staff members is a challenge. The management sponsors the awards and the committee members are happy to scrutinize the application.
Dant Tapasani Abhiyaan - An initiative towards dental disease-free campus.
The objectives are three folds
- To create awareness about dental health among all Stakeholders of VSPMAHE's Digdoh Campus.
- To screen for various dental diseases among the stakeholders and to make appropriate referral
- To make the Digdoh Campus Dental Diseases Free, by providing the treatment for needy.
Dental Health is a reflection of general well-being of an individual. Most of the systemic diseases will have their first appearance in the Oral cavity. Thus, the link between oral health and general health is well established so with the objective of improving oral health status of all the stakeholders of digdoh campus thereby striving towards dental diseases free campus and later aiming towards dental disease-free society in large. VSPM Dental College and research centre has come out
"it’s a unique welfare activity under the name "Dant Tapasani Abhiyaan"
As a Part of this campaign. Dental Check Ups/Dental screening of all the stakeholders i.e. teaching, non-teaching staff. employees of the service department and students was carried out under absolute aseptic conditions. The program runs throughout the year. Dental checkups were carried out at respective venues of all four institutions i.e. NKPSIMS, VSPM Dental College and Research Centre. V.SPM College of Physiotherapy and Madhuribai Deshmukh College of Nursing Education, at Digdoh campus as per the pre-defined schedule. The employee of the service departments were screened once in every six months. The campaign was just a beginning in its journey towards a dental disease-free society.
5. Evidence of Success:
The response for the campaign was tremendous as the benefits were two-fold. Firstly. rural health issues of all the stakeholders are addressed in a shorter duration and at a walkable distance due to location of dental college within the campus. Secondly, the dental treatments are provided at very subsidized rates as the institute being a sister concern, till date around 1665 stakeholders were screened for dental diseases and around 947 patients were referred for treatment. Out of these 348 (36.47%) students from various colleges and 335(35.37%)staff including Teaching Non-Teaching and Service departments from various institutes have been benefitted and were treated for their dental ailments.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
Major challenges being 1) There was a negligence towards dental health among the employees of service department due to chronicity of dental diseases.2) Reluctance to quit smokeless tobacco have developed addiction.3) some staff are reluctant to support for the cause.
7. Notes (Optional):
The campaign would pave a guiding path for all the health professional as we stand out as idol to the society as far as oral health is concerned and thus it is very essential for all health professional to maintain their highest level of oral health
Promotion of scientific and research temper
To encourage and advocate scientific thinking in students and teaching faculty of the institution, by generating a scientific environment, encouraging participation and providing financial support.
The institution believes in a philosophy that research is not an imperative but a need and also understands its role in providing an appropriate environment for the conduction of qualitative research. The research policy of the institution is designed to nurture a scientific environment in the institute and encourage students and faculty members to undertake innovative ideas as research projects.
In 2017, the college management and administration formed Research Policy. This included various research incentives for publication of research articles and providing paid leave to attend conferences. Registration Fees and travel allowance are reimbursed to the faculty members who present their research work in national or international Conferences. Institutional Research grants give additional incentives to the stakeholders to undertake research. Board of Research Studies (BORS) and Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) monitor and scrutinize all the applications for research projects. Appropriate funds are allocated to the qualifying research projects.
To inculcate scientific temperament, the institute provides support for organizing CDEs, Webinars & Conferences. So far the institute has provided support to 57 CDEs, 1 National PG convention and 7 Pre Conference Courses of National Conferences in Periodontology, Oral & Maxillo-facial Surgery and Pedodontics. The students and faculty are made aware of the various institutions that provide Grants. The undergraduate students are encouraged to take up research and paper presentations at conferences. The interns are mandated to complete one research project in their tenure. In addition to the mandatory dissertation, 2 short-term research projects should be completed and presented in the National PG convention by all postgraduate students. The staff performing exceptional research and publications are recognized by conferring Academic Awards. Institute is recognized as a Ph.D. Centre, with 14 no guides & 12 students. This is the highest number of enrolled students and guides in MUHS.
Sr. No. | Title | Year | Total Number | ||||
2014-2015 | 2015-2016 | 2016-2017 | 2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | |||
1 | CDE Conducted | 07 | 16 | 06 | 15 | 13 | 57 |
2 | Conferences Conducted | - | 02 | 01 | 02 | 02 | 07 |
3 | Webinar Conducted | 04 | 03 | 01 | - | - | 08 |
4 | Avishkar Award | 01 | 03 | - | 02 | 02 | 08 |
5 | Ltrg / Strg | 04 | 04 | 03 | 08 | 03 | 22 |
6 | Grants (Research) | - | 01 | - | - | - | 01 |
7 | Publication (Indexed) | 49 | 20 | 54 | 47 | 86 | 256 |
8 | Books | 01 | 02 | 04 | 21 | 6 | 34 |
- Several applications for grants from postgraduates and staff members are submitted, which are increasing every year. Stiff competition makes it challenging to select the best.
- The financial burden is increasing and extra-institutional grants are difficult to access.
Annual Awards
- To appreciate and honor the staff members for continuous professional development
- To motivate the staff members to achieve higher benchmarks
- To create a healthy competitive working environment in the departments
The faculty members of our institution work relentlessly to improve the quality of dental education as well as treatment. However, working in the same environment for years together can lead to complacency and stagnation;
For the overall growth and development, it is mandatory that everyone strives for excellence. VSPM’S Dental College and research center strongly believe that the institute can progress only with the wholesome progress and development of its individual staff members. Hence to inculcate the habit of continuous self-improvement and professional excellence, the institute has in place we have started a policy of awarding the best individual performer and best department at the hands of the Honorable chairman of the institute Shri Ranjitbabu Deshmukh.
The Institute has a three-member committee for annual awards. Every year four awards are given by the institute for outstanding performance in various categories namely: Best Emerging Talent, Best Individual Performer, Best Non-Teaching Staff Member, and Best Performing Department. The criterion for each category is structured and marks are awarded for excellence in various fields depicting all-round development. This not only maintains objectivity and fairness in the selection process, but it also ensures that various attributes for professional and personal growth are properly accounted for Nominations are invited for various categories of awards in the prescribed format.
Nominations include a detailed CV of the nominees along with a list of achievements for the said year. After the last date, the nominations are scrutinized by the awards committee and the winners are decided based on the objectively structured marking scheme. The awards in each category are given on Republic day each year.
Over the years this practice has encouraged more and more staff members to perform better and strive for excellence. The committee has seen a steady rise in the number of applications received every year. The competition has increased manifold and it is difficult to choose a single winner in each category. Certain aspects of dental professional development which were overlooked earlier have now become an important aspect of continuous professional growth amongst our staff members.
Due to a high degree of competition, the enduring satisfaction of all the staff members is a challenge. The management sponsors the awards and the committee members are happy to scrutinize the application.
Dant Tapasani Abhiyaan - An initiative towards dental disease-free campus.
The objectives are three folds
- To create awareness about dental health among all Stakeholders of VSPMAHE's Digdoh Campus.
- To screen for various dental diseases among the stakeholders and to make appropriate referral
- To make the Digdoh Campus Dental Diseases Free, by providing the treatment for needy.
Dental Health is a reflection of general well-being of an individual. Most of the systemic diseases will have their first appearance in the Oral cavity. Thus, the link between oral health and general health is well established so with the objective of improving oral health status of all the stakeholders of digdoh campus thereby striving towards dental diseases free campus and later aiming towards dental disease-free society in large. VSPM Dental College and research centre has come out
"it’s a unique welfare activity under the name "Dant Tapasani Abhiyaan"
As a Part of this campaign. Dental Check Ups/Dental screening of all the stakeholders i.e. teaching, non-teaching staff. employees of the service department and students was carried out under absolute aseptic conditions. The program runs throughout the year. Dental checkups were carried out at respective venues of all four institutions i.e. NKPSIMS, VSPM Dental College and Research Centre. V.SPM College of Physiotherapy and Madhuribai Deshmukh College of Nursing Education, at Digdoh campus as per the pre-defined schedule. The employee of the service departments were screened once in every six months. The campaign was just a beginning in its journey towards a dental disease-free society.
5. Evidence of Success:
The response for the campaign was tremendous as the benefits were two-fold. Firstly. rural health issues of all the stakeholders are addressed in a shorter duration and at a walkable distance due to location of dental college within the campus. Secondly, the dental treatments are provided at very subsidized rates as the institute being a sister concern, till date around 1665 stakeholders were screened for dental diseases and around 947 patients were referred for treatment. Out of these 348 (36.47%) students from various colleges and 335(35.37%)staff including Teaching Non-Teaching and Service departments from various institutes have been benefitted and were treated for their dental ailments.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
Major challenges being 1) There was a negligence towards dental health among the employees of service department due to chronicity of dental diseases.2) Reluctance to quit smokeless tobacco have developed addiction.3) some staff are reluctant to support for the cause.
7. Notes (Optional):
The campaign would pave a guiding path for all the health professional as we stand out as idol to the society as far as oral health is concerned and thus it is very essential for all health professional to maintain their highest level of oral health