6th Nov to 9th Nov 2020
PhD Cell, VSPM DCRC, Nagpur conducted first ever 3 Day webinar in State of Maharashtrafrom 6th Nov to 9th Nov 2020 for PhD Scholars &Guides. VSPM DCRC is one of the premier institutes having six MUHS recognized departments for PhD,12 approved PhD Guides and 11 registered PhD scholars in the state. Theevent was specially customized to help PhD scholars for writing dissertation and get insight into the details ofpublication ethics.
Hon Dr. Mohan Khamgaokar, Pro Vice Chancellor MUHS, Nashik addressed the august gathering and scholars regarding research scope and prime role of PhD scholars in effectively contributing to this field. In his guest lecture he highlighted on new directives for PhD that proved to be beneficial for all PhD scholars.
Speakers of international repute delivered lectures. Dr.Ganesh DakhaleProfessor, Pharmacology, AIIMS, Nagpur gave important guidelines on How to write Dissertation? Dr. Kiran TawalareAsst.ProfessorDept. of Kriya SharirShri Ayurved College, Nagpur focused on many interesting facts on publication ethics.
The workshop received overwhelming response pan India as it was projected live on Facebook.On Zoom platform 155 participants registered from all over Maharashtra from all disciplines of health sciences Medical, Dental, Ayurvedic & Homeopathy.
The entire endeavor was possible with the constant support from the Management of VSPM AHE, Dr.Usha Radke, Dean, Dr. S R Shenoi Vice Dean,Dr. Pratima ShenoiChairperson PhD cell. Dr. Vrinda KolteCo-Chairperson PhD cell and Dr. Chetana MakadeSecretary conducted the entire proceedings of the program.