48th IPS National conference, Nagpur
3rd to 6th of December 2020
The 48th Indian Prosthodontic society’s National first ever virtual conference was hosted by the IPS Nagpur branch from 3rd to 6th of December 2020. Faculty from the Dept of Prosthodontics, VSPM DCRC, Nagpur held important posts in the Conference organizing committee and were instrumental in the successful organization of the conference. Dean Dr. Usha Radke, HOD,Dept of Prosthodontics, was the Organizing Chairman and Dr. Neelam Pande, Professor, was the Organizing Co-Chairman.Dr. Saee Deshmukh, Associate Professor, was the Organizing Secretary and Dr. Rajlakshmi Banerjee, Associate Professor was the Scientific Co Chairman. Dr. Tushar Mowade, Associate Professor was the Trade Chairman. Dr. Anuj Chandak, Associate Professor was the Chairman Pre conference courses. Dr. Akhil Rathi, Sr. Lecturer and Dr. Jayshree Joshi, Reader, were Faculty paper in charges, Dr. Priti Jaiswal, Sr. Lecturer and Dr. Jaishree Chahande, Lecturer were student paper In charges. Dr. Anita Kahar was the in charge for student Table clinic presentations.
The conference had a record breaking 2800 registrations with40 key note lectures by speakers of International and national repute, 24 Preconference workshops, 190 faculty presentations, 405 student paper presentations, 300 student poster presentations and 80 table clinic presentations. It was the first ever virtual conference held in the history of Indian Prosthodontic society as well as any dental specialty in India. The theme of the conference was ‘Confluence: Practice with Evidence’ and was actually a confluence of ideas, concepts and Prosthodontic practice from all over the globe on a single platform. The highlight of the conference was a competition ‘Innovation in Prosthodontics’ held for both Professional and Post graduate category to encourage creativity and innovative ideas in the Prosthodontic fraternity. There was also a section for the ‘Rising Stars’ in Prosthodontics for the Emerging Prosthodontists in India. There were 4 structured Panel discussions on topics of importance by renowned faculty and all aspects of Prosthodontics was covered.There was a virtual trade fair in collaboration with prominent dental trading companies across India.
The conference was inaugurated by Dr. Doddy Soemawinata, President, Asian Academy of Prosthodontists and Dr. K.R. Kashinath delivered the prestigious B C Shroff oration lecture. The conference also garnered immense appreciation from the international Prosthodontic fraternity and it had numerous elite organizations like the International College of Prosthodontists, European Association of Prosthodontists, Asian Academy of Prosthodontists, Japan Prosthodontic society and the International Team for Implantologyassociated as the knowledge partners for the 48th IPS National conference. The Conference was a huge success and received representation from every part of the globe.