RD Dental College

Advanced Endodontic Workshop 2024
Advances in Endodontic treatment using magnification has paved a way for enhanced success of root canal therapy. Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur successfully conducted a 3 days Advanced Endodontic Workshopon 19th March 2024by their esteemed adjunct international faculty Dr.VivekHegde, Vice Dean MA Rangoonwala Dental College, Pune. The Department is organizing this workshop since last 7 years to highlight the significance of magnification and promote dental microscope enhanced endodontic practices for post graduate students. This workshop has two modules comprising of didactic lectures inclusive of basic endodontic therapy and magnification and extensive hands on experience on digital operating microscope under the able guidance of renowned endodontist and stalwart in the field Dr.Hegde.Students were awarded with certificate of excellence after clearing the post test evaluation.Module I and II were successfully conducted and completed with the help and support from the management of RDDCRC Nagpur.


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