Bear Witness To Infinity Fitness International Men’s Day Celebration
A lecture as a part of international Men’s Day Celebration was conducted by Gender Equity and Anti-Harrasment Committee on 2/12/2021 at Pride Hall, VSPMDCRC. The guest speaker for the event was Dr. OjasGajbhiye, Senior lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, VSPM DCRC, Nagpur.ArshadeepGhodeswar, student member of GEAHC, was the master of the ceremony and the event commenced with the welcome of the dignitaries. Dr. ChetanaMakade, chairperson GHC, delivered the welcome address which was followed by speech by, Dean Dr. UshaRadke. Dr. Rajesh Kubde, Professor, Department of Conservative and Endodonticswas the moderator forthe session.
The speaker highlighted the importance of the physical fitness and different ways to achieve it. He also spoke about the immediate and long-term health benefits of the physical activity and exercise and emphasized the importance of balanced diet and the diet planning for physical fitness.The program was attended by the faculty members, non-teaching staff, interns and Post graduate students. The lecture was followed by a prologue by Gym Trainers of the Gymnasium of the VSPM academy campus. The program concluded with a question answer session and the certificates were presented to the speaker and the moderator at the end of the session. The session was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Mr. MunindraHarle. Total 63 participants attended the programe inclusive of all teaching , non-teaching staff & students.