Children’s Day/ Pedodontist Day 2021
14th November to 14thDecember 2021
The Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry, VSPM Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur, celebrated the occasion of Children’s day& Pedodontist day from 14th November to 14thDecember 2021 under the guidance of Dr. Devendra Nagpal, Professor and Head. Various programs/activities for school children, anganwadi workers, general public, paediatricians and gynaecologists were organized to promote awareness of oral health of children.
• Drawing competition for children A drawing competition with the theme ‘My Paediatric Dentist’ and ‘Healthy Teeth’ was conducted on 14th November 2021 for 6-10 year old children. Among all the participant children first 3 winners were declared on 15thNovember 2021 and were given certificates appreciate their efforts and to motivate them towards good oral health.

- Awareness lectures and video demonstration for Anganwadi workers
The Anganwadi workers being the primary persons to come in contact with children and the expecting mothers, a awareness lecture for anganwadi workers was conducted on 8th December 2021 at VSPM DCRC Nagpur by Dr. Prabhat Singh Assistant Professor, Dept of Paediatric Dentistryon ‘Oral health of children’in hindi language for effective communication to the Anganwadi workers. Following the lecture a video made in dept showcasing different treatment modalities was also shown to promote treatment seeking behaviour. Approximately 60 anganwadi workers attended the program.This lecture was a part of the Anganwadi based project named ‘Anmol Muskan’ started by the department in 2020.

- Dental Caries and trauma prevention lecture for school teachers
The department conducted online lectures for pre-primary and primary school teachers of Delhi Public School of Kamptee and Mihan branch on8thDecember 2021. A total of 105 teachers attended the session. The 1st lecture was on topic ‘All about Healthy Teeth’ by Dr. Kavita Hotwani, Assistant professor, Dept of Paediatric Dentistry. She emphasized on the importance of deciduous teeth, common dental problems in children and preventive strategies for healthy teeth. The second lecture was on topic “Easy Steps to Save a Knocked out Tooth” by Dr.Purva Chaudhari, Associate Professor, Department of Paediatric Dentistry who highlighted the importance of paediatric dentist for providing quality dental care to children and easy steps to save an avulsed tooth.

- INSTAREEL Competition
- School level tooth brushing and flossing demonstration

- SurveysonOral Health Awareness conducted amongst Gynaecologists and Paediatricians of Nagpur
Two questionnaire survey were conducted to evaluate knowledge and awareness of maternal and child oral health amongst the Gynaecologists and Paediatricians. The Gynaecologists and Paediatricians across the city were being considered for the survey. The questionnaires consisted of 10 questions each evaluating their knowledge on the importance of oral health. The aim was to create awareness and sensitize the gynaecologists regarding importance of maternal oral health. It also aimed to sensitize the paediatricians regarding oral health of children and early referral to paediatric dentist. The survey was followed by providing the respondents with the correct responses for the questions.
- Nukkad Natak
A Nukkad Natak was performed by interns and postgraduate students titled, ‘Doodh ke daanton ka mahatva’ (Importance of Milk teeth) on 15th of December in the VSPM Campus to create awareness about importance of primary teeth amongst the general public. A leafletshowing various treatment modalities as well as some key oral health facts and myths in children was distributed to reinforce the above points.

- Video on ‘Promotion of Pediatric Dentistry in General Public’
A video for promoting paediatric dentistry amongst general public was made by the post graduate students of the department. The video focused on importance of oral health of children, role of a paediatric dentist and various dental problems and their treatment options.