RD Dental College

E- Link Fest 2022
The Weave –Integrating Specialties

1st - 30th July 2022

The Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics VSPM DCRC Nagpur successfully organized E – LINK FEST SEASON 3 – THE WEAVE – Integrating Specialties, a month long webinar series from 1st to 30th July 2022. 

The season -3 was dedicated to the lectures by experts on the development in the field of dentistry to maximize routine and specialized dental care for the benefit of the patients. The Online event was broadcast One hour-One Month, live on Facebook page of Endoconvspm and official page of VSPM Dental College. Lectures focused on wide arena of topics including Advancements like Laser, Dental CT scan, newer esthetic restorations, dental trauma management, digital dentistry and exploring recent development in research.  Event was very well received by the participants pan India and Abroad with over 2000+ registrations and some of the lectures with 4000+ views.

The Head Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Dr. Pratima Shenoi acknowledged and appreciated all the faculty members and post graduate students for their dedication and hard work towards the effective organization of the event.  The entire event was successfully conducted with the help and support from the Management of VSPM AHE, Dean Dr. Usha Radke, Vice Dean Dr. Ramakrishna Shenoi.


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