Department Of Prosthodontics: E Prosthocon
from 3rd to 17th August 2020
Department of Prosthodontics, VSPM Dental College and Research Centre has been organizing the ‘Prosthocon’ since 5 years to help the postgraduate students from the region to gain knowledge from experienced faculties of national repute. Even in the difficult times of the Covid -19 pandemic, Department of Prosthodontics, VSPM Dental College and Research centre in association with Indian Prosthodontic Society, Nagpur branch organized a fifteen day webinar series ‘E – PROSTHOCON 2020’ which was the brainchild of Dr. Usha Radke Dean, VSPM DCRC and Organizing Chairman, from 3rd to 17th August 2020 to avail a learning platform to the post graduate students and faculties all over the globe. The event was inaugurated on the 3rd August by the Chief Guest, Dr. Mahendranath Reddy, Chairman for Prosthodontic Research in the esteemed presence of Guest of Honour, Dr. Ashish Deshmukh, Working Chairman VSPM Academy of Higher education, Dr. J.R.Patel, Hon’ble President of Indian Prosthodontic society, Dr. Rupesh P.L, Hon’ble Secretary of Indian Prosthodontic society, Dr. Pravin Sundarkar, President IPS Nagpur branch and Dr. Saee Deshmukh, Secretary IPS Nagpur branch. The webinar series comprised of lectures by speakers of national and international repute on relevant topics like Full mouth rehabilitation, Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Minimally invasive esthetic restorations, Management of Temporomandibular disorders, Removable and fixed Prosthodontics and Research in Prosthodontics. All sessions were moderated by knowledgeable and experienced moderators and at the end of each session all questions and doubts of students were cleared in the question and answer session. The series got an overwhelming response in terms of about 1500 registrations, about 17000 views on face book till date and around 2500 viewership. Dr. Usha Radke, Organizing Chairman acknowledged the efforts taken by the Chief coordinator Dr. Rajlakshmi Banerjee and all staff from the Department of Prosthodontics, VSPM DCRC Dr. Neelam Pande, Dr. Saee Deshmukh, Dr. Tushar Mowade, , Dr. Anuj Chandak, Dr. Akhil Rathi, Dr. Priti Jaiswal, Dr. Rahul Tekade, Dr. Jayashree Joshi, Dr. Jaishree Chahande, Dr. Anita Kahar and members of IPS Nagpur branch Dr. Pravin Sundarkar, Dr. Harshwardhan Arya, Dr. B. K. Motwani, Dr. Arun Khalikar, Dr. Jaykumar Gade, Dr. Anand Raj, Dr. Suryakant Deogade, Dr. Parag Bhoyar, Dr. Yogesh Ingole, Dr. Dipti Lambade, Dr. Neha Garg, , Dr. Mohsin Quazi and Dr. Vinay Kothari for the successful conduction of the programme. The team is gearing up to host the 48th IPS National conference in December 2020, which is going to be the first ever virtual conference in the history of any dental specialty conferences. The promotional video for the conference and the 2nd volume of the ‘Journal of Prosthetic Rehabilitation’, official publication of the IPS Nagpur branch was also released in the inaugural ceremony. The Chief Co-ordinator for ‘E – PROSTHOCON 2020’, Dr. Rajlakshmi Banerjee, Editor, IPS Nagpur branch thanked all the co-coordinators, moderators and speakers for making the webinar series a huge success.