Holistic Approach In Well-Being And Fitness:Value Added Course
10th- 19th April 2022
Department of Periodontics and Implantology, RanjeetDeshmukh Dental College and Research Centre had organized a value added course on Holistic Approach in Well-being and Fitness for interns from 10th- 19th April 2022. The inauguration program was conducted on Day 1. Dr. Usha Radke, Dean, VSPM DCRC addressed the gathering and welcomed the guest, Dr. NirmalChanne, Brahmakumari Kiran Didi.
All the speakers enlightened with their talk focusing on ‘how to look for positivity and bring optimism in life’. Around 90 enthusiastic participated in the activities. The following modules were conducted for 8 the days program.
Day 1 Module 1 -Values-Gain strength through motivation
Day 2 Module 2 – Peace- Benefit from being calm
Day 3 Module 3 -Positivity-Harness the power of thoughts
Day 4 Module 4 – Importance of Diet and Nutrition in Healthcare
Day 5 Module 5 -Co-Operation-Appreciate the wisdom of teams
Day 6 Module 6 -Valuing yourself- Sustaining the Career
Day 7 Module 7-Fitness in health care practice
Day 8 Module 8 – Building Resilience-A response to stress and burnout