National Oral Pathologist Day Celebration
25th February 2021
Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology celebrated the “National Oral Pathologist Day” on 25th February 2021 at online platform. The day was celebrated on the occasion of birth anniversary of late Dr. H. M. Dholakia, the first Oral Pathologist in India. The Chief Guest for the programme was Dr. A.T.Biviji (Ex-director VSPM DCRC) and the Guest of Honour was Dr. Vinay Hazarey (Ex-dean GDCH, Nagpur). In view of this day, Creative carving competition was organized for interns, which was won by Ms. Sonali Kumbhar. Felicitation of PG alumni was done. Dr. Rakshata Rahul Sorte was felicitated for being the consecutive Winner of the National Symbiotic Interdisciplinary competitionheld in 2019 & 2020 and Dr. Geeta Rajesh Karyakarte was felicitated for receiving Dr. D.K.Daftary Gold Medal at MUHS during 20th convocation. Both the alumni expressed their gratitude towards the Head of the Dept. Dr. Alka Dive, Prof. Dr. Shubhangi Bagdey, Dean Dr. Usha Radke, Vice Dean & PG Director Dr. S.R. Shenoi and the management.
The virtual gathering was addressed by Dr. Alka Dive and the program was concluded by Dr. Shubhangi Bagdey with the vote of thanks.
The program was attended by Dr. Usha Radke (Dean), Dr. Ramkrishna Shenoi (Vice Dean & PG Director), parents, PG students, interns and all teaching staff members of the institution.