Online Yoga Series
23rd August 2021
The Interns Monitoring Committee, VSPM’s Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur has conducted an ‘Online Yoga Series’ First Session on “Yoga: Pranayama” for First B.D.S. students by Dr.Rashmi Mahulkar, Associate Professor. Department of Community Physiotherapy, VSPM’s College of Physiotherapy, Nagpur on 23rd August 2021.The Yoga Series is organized for the holistic development of students.
The welcome speech was delivered by Dr. Surekha Rathod, Chairperson, Interns Monitoring Committee. Madam informed about the inception of Yoga activities and Wellness Centre in our college since 2014 for the physical, mental and psychological wellbeing of the students and teaching, Non- teaching faculties. Vice Dean, Dr. Ramakrishna Shenoi motivational speech inspires First BDS students to start this self-development practice. Dean, Dr.Usha Radke shared her personal experience of Yoga and its benefits and introduced this Value Added course to first BDS Students. She has informed about MoU’s which are under process with two Institutes-Post Graduate Teaching Department of Physical Education, RTMNU, Nagpur & Physical Education Department, Institute of Science, Nagpur for the Yoga & Sports support and Guidance from the experts of these institutes to all undergraduate students throughout year for their physical and mental wellbeing.
Dr.Jaishree Chahande, Cordinator of this program introduced the speaker, Dr. Rashmi Mahulkar Associate Professor from Department of Community Physiotherapy, VSPM’s College of Physiotherapy, Nagpur. Dr. Rashmi Mahulkar started her online session with the Introduction of Pranayama along with its components like Purak , Rechak and Kumbhak,along with emphasis on nadi specially Ida, Pingla and Sushumna for Kundalinijagruti. She also explained about importance, principals and contraindications of 20 different Pranayamas. At the end, actual demonstration of Nadishodhan,Bhasrika and KapalbhatiPranayamas was conducted with the help of Volunteer Intern Mr.AdilSiddiquee. In her coming sessions she will cover actual teaching and demonstration of 4 to 5 Pranayamas with its advantages and contraindications.
There was an interactive session to solve the queries raised by the students.Students actively participated and enjoyed this session and requested to keep it more often for their holistic development. Dean appreciated the efforts of Interns Monitoring Committee.
Dr. Jaishree Chahande, coordinator of Yoga Sessions concludes the session with Vote of Thanks to Guest Speaker, Dean, Principal, College of Physiotherapy, Vice Dean, Chairperson of Interns Monitoring Committee and wonderful participants.
The welcome speech was delivered by Dr. Surekha Rathod, Chairperson, Interns Monitoring Committee. Madam informed about the inception of Yoga activities and Wellness Centre in our college since 2014 for the physical, mental and psychological wellbeing of the students and teaching, Non- teaching faculties. Vice Dean, Dr. Ramakrishna Shenoi motivational speech inspires First BDS students to start this self-development practice. Dean, Dr.Usha Radke shared her personal experience of Yoga and its benefits and introduced this Value Added course to first BDS Students. She has informed about MoU’s which are under process with two Institutes-Post Graduate Teaching Department of Physical Education, RTMNU, Nagpur & Physical Education Department, Institute of Science, Nagpur for the Yoga & Sports support and Guidance from the experts of these institutes to all undergraduate students throughout year for their physical and mental wellbeing.
Dr.Jaishree Chahande, Cordinator of this program introduced the speaker, Dr. Rashmi Mahulkar Associate Professor from Department of Community Physiotherapy, VSPM’s College of Physiotherapy, Nagpur. Dr. Rashmi Mahulkar started her online session with the Introduction of Pranayama along with its components like Purak , Rechak and Kumbhak,along with emphasis on nadi specially Ida, Pingla and Sushumna for Kundalinijagruti. She also explained about importance, principals and contraindications of 20 different Pranayamas. At the end, actual demonstration of Nadishodhan,Bhasrika and KapalbhatiPranayamas was conducted with the help of Volunteer Intern Mr.AdilSiddiquee. In her coming sessions she will cover actual teaching and demonstration of 4 to 5 Pranayamas with its advantages and contraindications.
There was an interactive session to solve the queries raised by the students.Students actively participated and enjoyed this session and requested to keep it more often for their holistic development. Dean appreciated the efforts of Interns Monitoring Committee.
Dr. Jaishree Chahande, coordinator of Yoga Sessions concludes the session with Vote of Thanks to Guest Speaker, Dean, Principal, College of Physiotherapy, Vice Dean, Chairperson of Interns Monitoring Committee and wonderful participants.