‘Webinar on Inside Out during COVID-19 Pandemic’
28th August 2020at 11:00 a.m.
A webinar cum workshop was organized by the Interns Monitoring Committee on 28th August 2020at 11:00 a.m. on “Inside Out during COVID – 19 Pandemic.” The speaker for the lecture wasDr. Jaishree Chahande, Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, VSPM Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur. 94 interns attended the Webinar and enthusiastically participated in all the group activities. The speaker discussed the current pandemic situation and its effect on everyone’s life and how core emotions are affected in these circumstances. Then she informed about ‘SWOT Analysis’ in detail.A SWOT analysis identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to assist interns in making strategic plans and decisions to choose the career options. This also helps in combating emotional issues of day to day life in current scenario as well as in future. The advantage of SWOT analysis is an attempt to ‘Connect Internal and External factors to Stimulate New Strategies’ to decide the career options and create their own ‘Action Plan’for a bright future.
All interns enjoyed all the activities in more than 3 hours interactive session and happy with the take home message to tackle all the unprecedented situations by proper action plan through SWOT Analysis.
Dr. Jaishree Chahande thanked Dr. Surekha Rathod, Chairperson, Intern’s Monitoring Committee, VSPM DCRC, Nagpur for organizing this program for interns benefit. She acknowledged all the participants for overwhelming response and their active participation in this webinar. After the webinar, SWOT Analysis and feedback forms were submitted by all the attendees through Google forms.