WHO DAY 2021
7th April 2021
The Department of Public Health Dentistry Department VSPM Dental College and research centre Nagpur has celebrated WHO day on 7th April 2021 on the theme “Building Fair and Healthy Your World”.
The virtual program was organised by the department from 11:30 a.m. onwards and included a guest lecture by Dr Shilpa Hazare Professor in the department of preventive and social medicine NKP SIMS and research centre. The program was inaugurated by vice dean Dr. S R Shenoi. There were about 37 participants who graced the occasion including heads of the department’s faculties and students the topic for the lecture included role of health professionals in building fair and healthy your world the lecture was beneficial for the faculty and students. The program was a success with definite take home message from the speaker. The above program was hosted by Dr Sudhir rawlani and the vote of thanks was proposed by Dr Sushil Naik.
The virtual program was organised by the department from 11:30 a.m. onwards and included a guest lecture by Dr Shilpa Hazare Professor in the department of preventive and social medicine NKP SIMS and research centre. The program was inaugurated by vice dean Dr. S R Shenoi. There were about 37 participants who graced the occasion including heads of the department’s faculties and students the topic for the lecture included role of health professionals in building fair and healthy your world the lecture was beneficial for the faculty and students. The program was a success with definite take home message from the speaker. The above program was hosted by Dr Sudhir rawlani and the vote of thanks was proposed by Dr Sushil Naik.