“Workshop on Enhancing Student Motivation Using Self-Determination Theory”
6th Nov 2020
HSET Unit in association with IQAC of VSPM Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur organized a workshop on the topic ‘Enhancing student motivation using self-determination theory’ on digital platform. Dr SR Shenoi, Officiating Dean gave the welcome address.
Dr Rashmi Kusurkar from VUmc School of Medicine, Amsterdam, Netherlands was the Guest Speaker. DR Swanad Pathak, Director of SHPER, Sawangi, Wardha and
Dr VaishaliKeluskar, HOD-Dept of Prosthodontics, KLE, Belgavi were the panelists.
The workshop included lecture, interactive session and panel discussion. 40 participants from various dental colleges in the country participated live in this event. It was well received by all.
Dr.MuktaMotwani(Co-ordinator HSET and Chairman IQAC) guided the smooth conduction of the workshop. Dr.Saee Deshpande co-ordinated the event.