‘Yoga Series’ Session on “Yoga: A Path towards Fitness”
26th November 2021
‘Yoga Series’ Session on “Yoga: A Path towards Fitness”
The Physical Education & Sports Committee, VSPM’s Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur in association with VSPM’s College of Physiotherapy, Nagpur has conducted ‘Yoga Series’ session on “Yoga: A Path Towards Fitness” for Interns & Second B.D.S. students by Dr.Pooja M. Akhtar, Associate Professor & H.O.D. Dept. of Kinesiotherapy and Physical Diagnosis, VSPM’s College of Physiotherapy, Nagpur on 26 th November 2021 at Matoshree Auditorium. The Yoga Series is organized for the holistic development of students.
The welcome speech was delivered by Dean, Dr.UshaRadke inspires students to inculcate this self-development practice as a daily routine activity. Dr.VrundaPimpalkhute, Registrar, FAMCO Department, SQUH, Muscat was the Chief Guest. She spoke on “The importance of Inner Happiness” on physical and mental health and motivates all for positive thinking.
Dr.JaishreeChahande, Cordinator of this program introduced the speaker, Dr.Pooja M. Akhtar, Associate Professor & H.O.D. Dept. of Kinesiotherapy and Physical Diagnosis, VSPM’s College of Physiotherapy. Dr.Pooja Akhtar started her session with warm up exercise. This Yoga Session comprises Sitting, Prone, Supine & Standing Asanas, Pranayamas&Kriya.Sitting Asanas included Padmasana with Praandharana, Vajrasanastha Yoga Mudra, SuptaVajrasa, Parvatasana, Vakrasana, Pashchimotanasana, Shashankasna. Supine Asanas included UthitaEkPadasana, Dwipadasana, Setubandhasana&Dronasana. Prone Asanas included Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Naukasana&Dhanurasana. Standing asanas included Vrikshasana, Hastapadasana&SulabhaChakrasana. AnulomeVilome&Bhramari Pranayama along with Shwasan Marg ShuddhiKriya was also practiced.So, a combination of Asanas, Pranayamas&kriya was practiced and the session ended with Shavasana. The actual demonstration was conducted with the help of Volunteer Mr.AmeyChikane. 3rd BPTH Student of VSPM’s College of Physiotherapy, Nagpur.Students actively participated and enjoyed this session and requested to keep it more often for their holistic development. Dean appreciated the efforts of The Physical Education & Sports Committee.Dr. Jaishree Chahande, coordinator of Yoga Sessions concludes the session with Vote of Thanks to Chief Guest; Guest Speaker; Dean, VSPM’s DCRC; Principal, College of Physiotherapy and enthusiastic participants.