RD Dental College

Advanced Endodontics Workshop 2019

An Advanced Endodontic Workshop was conducted by the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics on 17th to 19th Jan 2019. Dr. Vivek Hegde, Vice Principal and HOD Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, M. A Rangoonwala college of Dental Sciences Pune was the esteemed faculty. A total of 10 participants took part in this CDE. The primary focus of the CDE Programme and hands-on was on orientation to magnification, Ultrasonics for access cavity modification, broken instrument removal, advanced obturation techniques, re-treatment, perforation repair and so on. In addition the participants also acquired knowledge about Carl Zeiss Dental operating microscope, surgical loupes, thermoplastic obturation systems, MTA, Endoactivator, Endomotors, Microsurgery, Ultrasonic tips and so on.

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