International Kid’s Yoga Day was organized by Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, VSPM Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur on 7th April 2018. It was a global event which was first started last year by Ms. Teresa Power, author of a famous book – ABC of yoga for kids. More than 45 countries and 45,000 children were supposed to perform yoga on the same day and same time.
40 children participated in the program. brief session on yogawas conducted and children were educated how these yoga poses can be done in school or at home.
Powered packed yoga session was conducted by the PGs and the staff of the department.Program concluded with healthy snack distribution to the delegates
Dr. Devendra Nagpal, Dr.Gagandeep Lamba, Dr.Purva Chaudhari and Dr.Kavita Hotwani with PG Students of the department worked hard for the success of the program.