RD Dental College

National Oral Pathology Day

Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology celebrated the “National Oral Pathologist Day’’ on 25 February 2020. This day was instituted by the Indian association of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathologist in honour of Dr. Harnath Manishankar Dholakia , who is the first postgraduate teacher in Oral Pathology of the country . National Oral Pathologist Day is dedicated to birthday of Dr H M Dholakia.

Chief Guest for the programme was A.T.Biviji sir (Ex Director VSPM DCRC) ,most eminent Oral pathologist. In View of this day, slide show was displayed in lecture hall. E-poster competition was organized for inters with the theme ‘‘Insight to Oral Pathology ’’. Two best e-poster were selected and winner were felicitied. Fun activities were organized for all teaching staff which included slide identification .

The programme was attended by Dr.Usha Radke ( Dean) & Dr. Ramkrishna Shenoi (Vice Dean) and all teaching Staff Members of the institution. The programme ended with commemorative photograph .

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