The department of Pedodontics and preventive dentistry, VSPM DCRC, Nagpur, Maharashtra celebrated various festivals such as Dussehra, Diwali, and Christmas on 9th october, 27th october, and 24th december 2019 respectively
On the occasion of Dussehra and Diwali a small religious ritual was performed by the dept doctors and staff. On occasion of Christmas a party was organized for the patients of the department. Gifts were distributed to the children symbolizing joy of festivity
A pep talk was given by Dr. Devendra Nagpal, Professor and head of the department of Pedodontics regarding a topic “Happiness of festivity”.
The celebrations were conducted to enhance conducive environment of secularism and communal harmony in the working place
The entire programs were coordinated by Head of the Department Dr. Devendra Nagpal, Dr. Gagandeep Lamba and Dr. Purva Chaudhari, associate professors and Dr. Kavita Hotwani, Dr. Prabhat Singh, and Dr Sargam Sortey Assistant professors, Dept of pediatric and preventive dentistry, VSPM dental college and research center Nagpur, PG students and staff of the department.