As A Part Of Silver Jubilee Celebration , The Department Of Public Health Dentistry Has Organized A Guest Lecture , In The Presence of Respected Chief Guest , Dr.ArunDoddmani Sir, Dean Dr.UshaRadke Mam, Vice-Dean Dr. S.R .Shenoi Sir, Chairperson Scientific Committee DrPratimaShenoi Mam , Heads Of The Departments, Senior Faculties, Faculties , Other Alumni And Students. The event was conducted on zoom platform and facebook link of VSPMDC RC. The programme was inaugurated at the hands of Dr.ArunDoddmani Sir . Drsweta Gandhi, Sr lecturer, Dept of Public Health Dentistry Hosted the programme. Vote of thanks for the inaugural event was delivered by DrChetana Makde,Reader,Dept of Conservative Dentistry. The first programme was conducted by the Department of Public Health Dentistry .The Guest Lecture Was Delivered by Dr. MugdhaKhond (Lecturer) Department Of Public Health Dentistry, Yogita Dental College Hospital, Khedon Topic Titled Research in Dentistry On 16th February 2021. DrMugdha highlighted the various methods and importance of conducting a research. The Session Was Moderated Was Dr. GargiNimbulkarBhosale (Reader & Head) Department Of Public Health Dentistry.R R Dental College & Hospital, Udaipur, Rajasthan. Total 82 participants attended the programme. Even the star performer of the speciality was declared by highlighting the important achievements of the star performer in the specialityand the star performer was DrMaanjariDeshmukh . The programme ended with the vote of thanks by DrSushilNaik , lecturer ,Dept of public Health Dentistry . Every staff member contributed towards the success of the programme . Second programme was conducted on 20th February 2021. The guest lecture was delivered by Dr. Manjirideshmukh, Medical Data Analyst Vasta Bioinformatics Pvt Ltd, Navi Mumbai on topic titled Health Informatics-The Blooming Arena for Dentistry. Dr Manjiri highlighted the importance of bioinformatics in health research. The session was moderated by Dr. NupoorKokane, Sr. Lecturer, Department Of Public Health Dentistry. Rajesh RamdasjiKambe Dental College, Akola.Total 62 participants attended the programme on virtual platform. DrSudhirrawlani sr. lecturer department of public health dentistry hosted the session. Star performer of the specialty was declared by highlighting the important achievements of the star performer in the speciality. Dr. GargiNimbulkar was decleared as the star performer in the speciality. The programme ended with the vote of thanks by DrSushilNaik, lecturer,Dept of public Health Dentistry . Every staff member contributed towards the success of the programme.