RD Dental College


Formerly, VSPM Dental College and Research Centre

Recognized by Dental Council of India, Affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Science, Nashik

(NAAC Accredited with B+)

Hall Of Fame

Ms. Pallavi Barde, Second BDS Student, Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur received Second Prize for Paper presentation in UG Paper Category for Original Research Paper titled: 'Assessment of preference of printed text book or e-book among First year health care students: A Comparative Study' guided by Dr. Anita Kahar, Lecturer, Dept. of Prosthodontics at NIDACON 2025 held at Nagpur from 11th-12th January 2025.

Ms. Peyashree Bawankar, Second BDS Student, Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur received First Prize for E-Poster presentation in UG Poster Category titled: 'Dental Autopsy-A neglected necessity' guided by Dr. Neena Dongre, Lecturer, Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology at NIDACON 2025 held at Nagpur from 10th-12th January 2025.

Dr Shefali Mangrolia, Final year P.G. Student, Dept. of Periodontics, Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur secured 3rd prize in E- poster presentation, P.G. Category Titled: 'Interdisciplinary approach in evaluating 1% Metformin gel with PRF vs. PRF alone in Grade II Furcation defects' Guided by Dr. Rajashree Kolte, Professor, P.G. & Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Periodontics at NIDACON 2025 held at Nagpur from 10th to 12th January 2025.

Dr.Tushar Mohata received a Commendation award for his outstanding poster presentation, titled: 'Assessment of knowledge, awareness and attitude amongst patients with cardiovascular disease about its association with chronic periodontitis ,' at the 48th ISP National Conference, held at Goa, on 16-18 October 2024.

Dr. Palak Kasliwal, Final Year P.G. Student, Department of Periodontics, Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur received a Best Poster Award in the Preventive Periodontology Category for her outstanding Poster presentation, titled: 'ORASCAN - A portable device for screening of oral diseases', at the 48th ISP National Conference, Goa, held from 16th to 18th October 2024.

Dr. Amruta Verma, Final Year P.G. Student, Department of Periodontics, Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur received a Commendation award for her outstanding poster presentation, titled: 'Evaluating Immediate Implant and Provisionalization with CGF-Enriched Grafts: A Comprehensive CBCT-Driven Perio-Prostho Approach', at the 48th ISP National Conference, Goa, held from 16th to 18th October 2024.

Ms. Tanvi Rahangadale, Second BDS Student, Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur successfully completed Two weeks Summer Internship Program (SIP)-2024 in learning goal of 'Research Methodology' at MUHS enrolled SIP Centre, Swargiya Dadasaheb Kalmegh Smruti Dental College & Hospital, Nagpur for the period from 7th August -21st August 2024.
Dr. Kalyani Deshmukh, Stood Second in order of Merit in MUHS University Examination 2022 in Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge received the Vice chancellor's Certificate of Merit on 23rd February 2024.
Dr. Aditi Dhanvijay, Dr. Simran Gupta, Final Year P.G. Student and Dr. Shweta Rathi, Second year P.G. Student, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur secured 1st prize in PG Scientific paper presentation at ‘Endovista’ organised by Dept of Conservative & Endodontics, Terna Dental College, Mumbai held from 19th to 21st April 2024.
Third BDS student, guided by Dr. Rakshata Sorte, won Second Prize in Paper presentation Titled: "An Evaluation of Salivary pH, Salivary Flow Rate & Gustatory Perceptions in Post-Menopausal Women- A Pilot Study" in Original Research Category at FATHOM 3.0 Undergraduate Student's Conference on Research and Innovation in Dentistry, held at GDC & H, Nagpur on 8th & 9th August 2024.

Second year P.G. Student of
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
R.D.D.C. & R.C., Nagpur
Invited as Guest Speaker
at the 36th Annual Congress of Taiwanese Association of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 2024
at Taiwan on 10th March 2024
on topic: “Comprehensive approaches to Traumatic TMJ Management:
A Review of Literature

Second year P.G. Student of
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
R.D.D.C. & R.C., Nagpur
Selected for
“Academic Excellence Award”
for Maxillofacial Surgery
for MDS Part 1 examination
organised by DARSN Academy
at 36th Annual Congress on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
on 9th & 10th March 2024.

Ms. Yasha Kothari, Final BDS Student, Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur awarded the Scholarship of Rs. 75,000/- under 'Colgate Keep India Smiling Scholarship Program for BDS Students 2023-24' and 'Mentorship Program' Implemented by Buddy4Study on 18th February 2024
Ms. Himangi Wadhwani, First BDS Student, Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur awarded the Scholarship of Rs. 75,000/- under 'Colgate Keep India Smiling Scholarship Program for BDS Students 2023-24' and 'Mentorship Program' Implemented by Buddy4Study on 18th February 2024
Ms. Deepal Gaidhane, Second BDS Student, Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur successfully completed Four weeks Summer Internship Program (SIP)-2024 in learning goal of 'Health Education: Osteoporosis' at MUHS enrolled SIP Centre, HEATCO, Osteoporosis Awareness Campaign Program in Rural Area through Chaudhary Hospital, Nagpur for the period from 7th June -7th July 2024.
Dr. Shikha Chhangani &
Dr. Shreya Kukreja
First year PG Students of
Dept. of Prosthodontics
Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur
Received Best in Session and
2nd Best Overall Scientific Table Clinic Presentation Award
At 26th IPS Post Graduate Convention,
organized by
Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, Tamilnadu
from 5th-7th April 2024.
Topic of Table Clinic Presentation:
“Biofeedback: A Novel Approach for Treating Bruxism”

Dr. Utkarsh Ande &
Dr. Reena Nagrare
Second & Final year PG Students of
Dept. of Prosthodontics
Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur
Received Best in Session and
Best overall Scientific Poster Presentation Award
At 26th IPS Post Graduate Convention,
organized by
Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, Tamilnadu
from 5th-7th April 2024.
Topic of Poster Presentation:
“Anodising Technique to Improve Esthetics”

Second year P.G. Student of
Dept. of Periodontics
Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur
secured 1st Prize in
Scientific Paper Presentation
in PG Category
at MUHS State Level Research Competition 2023-24
on 4th March 2024
Topic of Paper Presentation:
“Volumetric Assessment of Regenerative Efficacy of
Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft with or without
Amnion Membrane in Grade II Furcation Defects:
A Cone Beam Computed Tomography Study”
Second year U.G. Student
R.D.D.C. & R.C., Nagpur
secured 2nd Prize in
Scientific Paper Presentation titled:
“Smartphone addiction & its associated behaviours
at NIDACON 2024
Organized by
IDA, Nagpur Branch in association with AIIMS, Nagpur
at AIIMS Nagpur
on 17th & 18th February 2024.

Awarded 3rd prize in
'Classical instrumental solo' (non - percussion) category
Mr. Abhishek Pathak, 3rd BDS student
Awarded 1st prize in
'Western instrumental solo' category
At SPANDAN (State Level Youth Festival)
organised by MUHS
at SDKS Dental College and Hospital, Nagpur
on 24th & 25th April 2023

Ms. Yasha Kothari & Ms.Venus Kale
Second B.D.S. Students
RD Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur
Awarded ‘First Prize’ in
Essay competition (Undergraduate Students-Category 1)
On the topic:
“Oral Hygiene Awareness: The Role of Media”
Organized by
The Indian Society of Periodontology
on 9th December 2022

Ms. Yasha Kothari & Ms.Venus Kale
Second B.D.S. Students
RD Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur
Awarded ‘First Prize’ in
Essay competition (Undergraduate Students-Category 1)
On the topic:
“Oral Hygiene Awareness: The Role of Media”
Organized by
The Indian Society of Periodontology
on 9th December 2022

Ms. Sneha Bhujade,
Mr. Mayur Chakole & Ms Namira Baig

Dept. of Prosthodontics,
RD Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur
awarded ‘First’, ‘Second’ & 'Third' Prizes respectively
in Slogan competition for Walkathon
On the topics:
“Public Awareness regarding Prosthodontists/Prosthodontic Rehabilitation”
At 1st Maharashtra State Level 2-day Conference
EsthetiCon2022, Nagpur
on 24th and 25th September 2022

Dr. Shreyasi Jogi and Dr. Anushree Bhoge

Final MDS students,
Dept. of Prosthodontics,
RD Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur
awarded ‘Second’ Prizes respectively
in e-Poster competition (PG Category)
On the topics:
“Unveiling PPT for Digital Smile Designing”
At 1st Maharashtra State Level 2-day Conference EsthetiCon2022, Nagpur
on 24th and 25th September 2022

Ms. Sneha Bhujade & Mr. Shreyash Ohale

RD Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur
awarded ‘First’ & ‘Second’ Prizes respectively
in e-Poster competition (UG Category)
On the topics:
“Laminates & Veneers” & “Overdentures supported by endosseous implants”
At 1st Maharashtra State Level 2-day Conference EsthetiCon2022, Nagpur
on 24th and 25th September 2022

Final Year Student
RD Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur
Received High Commendation ‘Second Prize’
(representing Delegate of Canada)
in the Debate competition:
“World Health Organization Agenda- Reproductive Health &
Reproductive Rights of Individuals around the World”

Organized by MUN AIIMS, Nagpur
on 2nd & 3rd September 2022

Second year Undergraduate Student
Awarded ‘First Prize’
selected as the Local Public Health Officer
in Western Solo Singing
Dushyant Shingare
Third year Undergraduate Student
Awarded ‘Second Prize’
in Eastern solo singing
by Music-Club, Student Welfare Associationz
At Intercollegiate Singing Competition
held at AIIMS Nagpur
on 3rd September 2022

Dr. Gajanan Chandode, Dr. Noopur Gonde, Dr. Renuka Swami

PG student of Periodontics Department

Won 1 st , 2 nd & 3 rd Prizes respectively in IDA Nagpur Branch e-Essay Competition 2020 on “Combating COVID 19 - Indian Perspective” on 25th April 2020.

Final BDS Student

Won 1 st Prize in IDA Nagpur Branch e-Poster Competition 2020 on “Combating COVID-19” on 25 th April 2020

Final BDS Student

RD Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur has been awarded 2nd Prize in " Talkathon Competition" organized by JCI Nagpur Medico on  22nd April 2020.

PG student of Conservative department stands 2nd Topper in MUHS University examination 2019, received an award at RDDCRC on 26th January 2020.


PG Student of ODMR department won 2 nd prize in a poster presentation at the National Triple OOO conference held at New Delhi on 6th -8th March 2020.


PG student of pedodontics department won second prize in paper presentation at 17th National Pedovention at Jaipur on 14th February 2020.


2 nd year PG student of Orthodontics department won best paper presentation in 24th IOSPG Student Convention held at HICC Hyderabad, 20th -23rd February 2020.

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