RD Dental College


Formerly, VSPM Dental College and Research Centre

Recognized by Dental Council of India, Affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Science, Nashik

(NAAC Accredited with B+)

Soft Skill Development


Soft Skill Development/Communication skill


It is observed that formal training given on basic soft skills or communication skills (CS) during dental undergraduate years can help to develop a better doctor-patient relationship throughout the clinical practice. Developing communication skills was felt as a need through formal training as well as in assessment, hence Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, India, incorporated it in the curriculum. This module is designed to train third-year BDS students for communication skills.  Third-year BDS students are sensitized for communication skills through a module. The module is divided into four important aspects;

  • Components and barriers of effective CS while dealing with patients
  • Training for effective communication viva voce examination
  • Communicating effectively with different types of patients
  • Improve Prescription writing as a communication skill.
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