RD Dental College


Cons-Endo Week Celebration 2022

Cons-Endo Week Celebration 2022 2 March 2022. Department Of Conservative Dentistry And Endodontics, V.S.P.M. Dental College And Research Centre,Nagpur,in association […]

TCC Value Added Course

‘TCC Value Added Course’ DE-ADDICTION TRAINING MODULE – LEVEL 1 & 2 17th Feb (level-1) and 18th Feb (level-2), 2022

Self Directed Learning

Self Directed Learning 31th Jan 2022   HSET unit of VSPMDCRC conducted a guest lecture on ‘Self Directed learning’ on

Prosthodontist Day 2022

Prosthodontist Day 2022 17th – 22nd January 2022 On the occasion of World Prosthodontist Day 22 January 2022 Department of


“SURYA NAMASKAR-STAVAN” 14th January 2022              A “SURYA NAMASKAR-STAVAN” was organized by NSS Unit in

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