RD Dental College


Formerly, VSPM Dental College and Research Centre

Recognized by Dental Council of India, Affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Science, Nashik

(NAAC Accredited with B+)

Christmas 2019

The department of Pedodontics and preventive dentistry, VSPM DCRC, Nagpur, Maharashtra celebrated Christmas day on 24th December 2019

On this occasion, a party was organized in the dept for the patients, doctors and staff.

A pep talk was given by Dr. Devendra Nagpal, Professor and head of the department of Pedodontics regarding a topic “ happiness of festivity”.

The program was conducted to enhance conducive  environment of secularism and communal harmony in the working place

The entire program was coordinated by Head of the Department Dr. Devendra Nagpal, Dr. Gagandeep Lamba and Dr. Purva Chaudhari, associate professors and Dr. Kavita Hotwani, Dr. Prabhat Singh, and Dr Sargam Sortey Assistant professors, Dept of pediatric and preventive dentistry, VSPM dental college and research center Nagpur.

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