RD Dental College

Preconference 2018

The 40th national conference of Indian society of pediatric and preventive dentistry was held in Nagpur on 24th oct to 26th oct 2018.The pre-conference courses were conducted on 23rd oct 2018 at V.S.P.M Dental college and research centre.

Dignitaries present at the program were  Dr Halaswamy Kambalimath; hon. Secretary ISPPD, Dr Usha Radke,  Dean of  VSPM Dental college and research centre,Dr Ramakrishna Shenoi Vice Dean, Dr Devendra Nagpal professor and head of department of pediatric and preventive dentistry.

Welcome address was delivered by Dr Nagpal.Dr Kamblimath welcomed th guest speakers of the pre- courses with token of appreciation.He gave a brief introduction about the the topics of pre-conference courses.

Speakers of the courses were Dr Prasad Musale Dr Dayanand shirol for micro-endodontics in pediatric dentistry,Dr Rohan Bhatt for Pedofunda -The game of crowns and Dr Akash Akinwar for Clicks -Mobile Dental Photography.

42 delegates were registered for microendodontics course,50 delegates were registered for Pedofunda and 20 for mobile dental photography courses. All the courses were interactivite sessions with hands-on worshops. A live patient demonstration was done in microendodontics course.

Materials required for pedofunda course were provided by singnature crowns, equipments for microendodontics course were provided by Cricdent pvt lmt,gurmukh traders and RP agencies.The courses concluded with a vote of thanks and distribution of certificates to the delegates.

Dr Halaswamy kambalimath Secretary - ISPPD addressing the gathering other dignitaries on dais ( from left)Dr S.R.Shenoi-vice dean VSPMDCRC, Dr Usha Radke -Dean VSPMDCRC, , Dr Devendra Nagpal - HOD department of pediatric dentistry VSPMDCRC
audience and (in front row from left )Speakers of the pre conference courses Dr Akash akinwar, Dr Prasad Musale and Dr Dayanand Shirol
Dr Rohan Bhatt teaching crown preparation for zirconia crowns to the delegates of Pedofunda course
Dr Akash Akinwanwar demonstrating dental photography techniques to the participants
Dr Prasad musale Live demonstration of pulpectomy procedure using endomicroscope
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