RD Dental College

Public Health Dentistry



Department of Public Health Dentistry is one of the nine specialities of Dentistry which is mainly concerned with prevention and control of dental diseases and promoting dental care through organized community efforts. The objectives of this speciality are three fold i.e. Community diagnosis of conditions related to oral health, developing ways of helping community towards maintaining good oral health through planning & implementation of Oral Health Programs, Conduct scholarly research and be a resource unit for research in dentistry.

In short, this speciality is concerned with creating awareness among the public about the dental health and thereby helping the people to seek the necessary intervention at the earliest through the organization of dental outreach activities. The department is actively conducting a number of dental outreach activities for providing basic dental care to the needy, underprivileged people and making appropriate referrals for providing the specialty care through its dedicated mobile dental unit.

The department is also providing comprehensive dental care to the patients within the institution. It is also spreading awareness through the celebration of various special days of health importance to spread the dental awareness among public. The department is running one urban and one rural training centre at Jaiatala and Katol in order to fulfil the oral care demands of the public. There is also undergraduate teaching as per the recommendations of Dental Council of India. The department is also involved in carrying out various social welfare activities for the benefit of the society through its NSS wing. The department is rendering primary dental care to the needy, underprivileged public on a periodic basis through its mobile dental unit in collaboration with Primary health centres and Rural hospitals located within a radius of 20 Km at Gondhkheri and Hingna respectively


Dr. K.Venugopal Reddy

Professor & HOD

Dr. Sudhir Rawlani

Senior Lecturer

Dr. Sushil Naik


Dr. Swapnil Patil


Dr. Parejeet Wagh


Department Achievement
  • School Based Pit & Fissure Sealant Pilot Project – District Nagpur in collaboration with Directorate of Health Services, Govt of Maharashtra.
Staff Achievement
  • Dr Sudhir Rawlani received 1st prize in the International conference for Dental Research Presentations held on Oct- Dec 2020 for Paper titled: “Dentist Attitude Towards e-patients”
  • Dr. Sushil B. Naik received 1st prize in the International conference for Dental Research Presentations held on Oct- Dec 2020 for Paper titled: “Reliability of Third Molar Development for Age Estimation by Radiographic Examination (Demirjian’s Method)
  • Radio Taik by  Dr Sudhir Rawlani and Dr Swapnil Patil on importance of oral health (2018)
  • FAIMER fellowship: Dr Swapnil Patil.
  • PG Diploma in Forensic Science : Dr Sushil Niak (2015) Dr Swapnil Patil (2015).
The department of Public Health Dentistry is actively involved in conducting dental research through its dedicated faculty members. Currently, there are about four undergraduate research projects undertaken by the department where the teaching faculty is guiding the undergraduate students. The clinical research entitled ‘comparison of the effectiveness of two herbal types of mouthwash on plaque & gingival scores among 12-15-year-old schoolchildren’ carried out by one of our faculty members is in the process of obtaining patency from the competent authorities. Our department is currently focusing on thrust areas such as the oral health assessment of special groups such as the geriatric population, school children, and specially challenged children. There is also a special emphasis on tobacco-related research in an attempt to establish the best possible measure(s) for achieving the tobacco cessation
  • School Based Pit & Fissure Sealant Pilot Project – District Nagpur in collaboration with Directorate of Health Services, Govt of Maharashtra.
  • MOU:- With Trilokchand Kochar Cancer Trust, Balaghat, M.P  for outreach activity.
Research Project
  • Total Research Projects Completed Till Date :- 7
  • Ongoing research projects :- 2

Treatment & Facilities Details

SR NO. Facilities Available in the Department
SR NO. Outreach Facilities
1 School Dental Health Program
2 Community oral health services :- using Mobile Dental Unit


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